Ask anything about medicine
Taking the drug carries risks. In fact, some medications you take will have more risks than the disease you associate with taking the medication. There are many things about medicine you probably don’t know, but there are facts that need to be educated so that you can be as healthy as possible and know what is going on with your body.
Before taking any medicine, make sure you know what the medicine is, its name and why you are taking it. Mistakes happen all the time in the field of medicine, so it is up to you to make sure you are getting the right medicine.
Questions to Ask Your Doctor
Some medications need to be taken often, while others are only once a day or even once a week. Make sure you are very clear about the medicine’s dosing schedule.
Find out if there are any foods or activities that should be avoided while taking a particular medication. Some medications will warn you to stay out of the sun or not drive, while others will suggest you avoid certain foods and most will warn against drinking alcohol. You will also want to know if any of the counter medications like Tylenol can be taken when you are taking a particular medication as well. Make sure you are aware of these recommendations before you start taking any medication.
Medication Questions You Should Be Asking
You should always ask your doctor if there are any other side effects of the medicine and what they may be. Also, some side effects of the drug are very serious, so if you are taking a drug with a high risk factor, you will want to be well informed and know what to do in case of an accident.
Medicine is great because it helps people fight disease, feel better and live with aches and pains. However, you should always be fully educated about a drug before starting a regimen.